Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Language of TEAM

Yesterday I had the privilege of presenting a 6 hour program on The Language of TEAM to a prominent Medical Practice here in Anchorage.  The 25 attendees were physicians, administrative staff, managers, IT support and marketing personnel.

It was a great event with an outcome focused on enhancing the power in the clarity of their articulation.  As a team they chose to implement immediately a program of appreciation and recognition, as well as a heightened emphasis on clarity in requests between staff members.

Remember the Ice is about helping organizations incorporate empowering word choice into virtually "every" aspect of their company--and getting measurable results.

Thank you Medical Park Family Care for an amazing training session.  You are leaders in your field.

1 comment:

  1. Great message Bob, how exciting. The Language of TEAM is invaluable in building Exceptional Service for Your Valued Client. We must treat our internal clients just as valuable as our external clients. Everyone knows you team (staff, employees, associates) are your most valuable asset. Keep up the great work!
