Monday, March 28, 2011

Remember to Keep Your Message Clear and Active

During a recent BNI meeting, Mary, the chapter president was reminding the group of the upcoming Visitor Day.  Unfortunately some of the phrases she used to remind the group included:
  • Make sure you don't forget to invite visitors.
  • Don't forget the upcoming membership drive.
  • We can't fail if we keep inviting.
Taking a look at Mary's requests, I noticed the confusion that others sensed as well:

"Make sure you don't forget to invite visitors."
Registers as:
"Make sure you forget to invite visitors."

"Don't forget the upcoming membership drive."
Registers as:
"Do forget the upcoming membership drive."

"We can't fail if we keep inviting."
Registers as:
"We can fail if we keep inviting."

Her intention is to have visitors who will become new members.  Unfortunately using words like don't and can't weaken your message when it is just as easy, and so much more powerful, to make your point clearly.

When you eradicate the "(K)notty Words" - "not, don't, can't, won't, wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't, try, but, should"--your message will be stronger, more precise, and help you attract more of what you want. Re-Frame your thoughts and retrain your brain to use empowering words like can, do, will, would and could.

The results will astound you.

At the next meeting Mary rephrased her requests to strong reminders:
  • Remember to invite visitors to every meeting
  • Remember the membership drive extravaganza
  • When we bring in six new members during the contest we will qualify for the grand prize drawing!
Now these once passive expressions have become imperative calls to action.


  1. Thanks Bob,

    Since meeting Bob, I regularly review the use of my words in text and verbal format. It is such an easy concept to grasp. Promote positive thoughts versus negative thought processes. Thank You Bob for empowering the clarity of my articulation!!!

    Dr Charlie Gray D.C.
    Gray Chiropractic Health Clinic LLC

  2. Appreciate your comments Dr. Charlie. Enjoy the blog posts.


  3. I know that BNI is making efforts to correct their training manuals to more Empowering word choice; it needs to happen now. Hopefully, some day BNI will apply Remember the Ice training to leadership training as well.
